SOMME BRITISH Sector - Thiepval Memorial  - Dorsets Memorial - Mouquet Farm 

  • by Pierre Grande Guerre
  • 07 Apr, 2019

Years of visit: 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011

A photo report of several visits to the Thiepval Memorial, the Dorsets Memorial and Mouquet Farm. In 1916 the Württembergische 26. Reserve Division defended this front sector. 

From every hill in the Somme Region you can see the Thiepval Memorial as an impressive landmark.

Thiepval Wood. Right; Thiepval village and the Memorial.
As you approach the hamlet of Thiepval, ...

... you can detect the Memorial on the former location of the "Château de Thiepval".

Château de Thiepval before 1914
Detail British Trench Map of the Château Thiepval and the Leipzig Salient

Before we visit the Memorial, we approach Thiepval village again from the west, from the Mill Road.  

The small village and the location of the Memorial used to be the German Leipzig Salient.

The Württembergische 26. Reserve Division

 After fighting at the Grendelbruch in the Alsace in early August 1914, the Württembergische 26. Reserve Division arrived in the front sector around Thiepval on 27 September 1914. The Division was redeployed from Bapaume, and it was immediately involved in heavy battles with the French troops. The 26th R.D. drove the French back at Albert. The trench line consolidated at the end of September 1914 on a line running roughly from Beaumont via Thiepval to Contalmaison. 

The Württembergische 26. Reserve Division consisted of the 51. Reserve-Infanterie-Brigade, composed by the I.R. 180. and R.I.R. 121, and the 52. Reserve-Infanterie-Brigade, composed by R.I.R. 119, R.I.R. 99, the Württembergische Reserve Dragoner Regiment, Res.-Feldart.-Regt. 26, R.F.A.R 27, 4 companies of Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 13, Württ. Reserve-Sanitäts-Komp., and reserve train units and communication units. 

General der Infanterie, Franz Freiherr von Soden, commanded the 26. Reserve Division.

From 28 September 1914 until 7 October 1916 the 26 R.D. was based along a front line running roughly from Beaumont via Thiepval to la Boisselle, later to Flers.

The Division’s artillery support of F.A.R 116, the Regimental staff of 26 R.F.A.R., and the Staff of General von Soden set up Divisional Headquarters at Miraumont

Facing for a long period the British 4th Army, General von Soden was fully aware of the British build-up of troops.  Von Soden was relying on the fact that most of his men were veterans of trench warfare.

Leutnant Armin Stäbler

In this intermezzo about the Württembergische 26th Reserve Division these remarkable period photos are made by Leutnant Armin Stäbler of the Württembergische 26 Reserve Feldartillerie Regiment (26 R.F.A.R., or more short, 26 R.A.R.). As a staff officer Lt. Stäbler was not often involved in combat action. Following his regiment, wherever it was going, Alsace, Somme, Cambrai, St. Quentin, and Ypres, in his spare time Leutnant Stäbler created a unique photo collection, a documentation of the daily life of soldiers and officers of the 26th R.D. along and behind the frontlines.

Soden's Division and some Bavarian Regiments, like B.R.I.R. 6 and B.R.I.R. 8, held the Thiepval Plateau, which formed a key strongpoint in the German defenses

This high ground dominated the entire, northern sector of the Somme front. It included the ruins of the village of Thiepval and a stronghold west of it, called by the British the Schwaben Redoubt, and by the Germans the Hansa Stellung.

Von Soden’s troops had turned the place into a fortress.

I consider the area around Thiepval also as the centrepoint of the Battle of the Somme.

In Thiepval we found some memorials on the walls of the church.

This plaque commemorates Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart, who won his Victoria Cross at La Boisselle, commanding the 8th Gloucesters on 2 and 3 July 1916.

Lieutenant-Colonel Carton de Wiart

On 2 July/3 July 1916, at  nearby La Boisselle, Lieutenant-Colonel Carton de Wiart's dauntless courage, and inspiration averted what could have been a serious reverse.
He displayed the utmost energy in forcing the attack home and, after three other battalion commanders had become casualties, he controlled their commands and made sure that the ground was held at all costs. In organizing the positions to be held, he exposed himself fearlessly to enemy fire.

Thiepval Memorial

Centrepoint of the Battlefield, the Thiepval Memorial commemorates over 72,000 men, ...

... who have no known grave, and who fell on the Somme between July 1915 and February 1918.

Behind the Memorial is an Anglo French Cemetery, overlooking Thiepval Wood on the horizon. 

As a symbol of their bonds as Allies, the French and the English buried 300 soldiers of each nation here.

The Thiepval Memorial, the Memorial to the Missing of the Somme, bears the names of 73,367 officers and men of the United Kingdom and South African forces who died in the Somme sector before 20 March 1918, and whose graves are not known. In the winter of 1931-32, it was decided that a small mixed cemetery be made at the memorial's foot to represent the loss of both the French and Commonwealth nations. Of the 300 Commonwealth burials in the cemetery, 239 are unidentified. The bodies were found in December 1931 and January-March 1932, some as far north as Loos and as far south as Le Quesnel, but the majority came from the Somme battlefields of July-November 1916. Of the 300 French dead, 253 are unidentified.

Source: Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Thiepval, 1 July 1916, the British infantry attacks

After the bombardment and the detonation of 17 mines, at 7.30 AM, the British infantry troops had to go over the top to attack the 16 German Divisions under General Prinz Eitel Friedrich von Preussen.

In the north near Gommecourt General Allenby’s 3rd Army attacked the German Kern Redoubt with a bloody diversionary attack.

General Gough’s 3 Cavalry Divisions were kept in reserve to exploit successes.

General Rawlinson’s 4th Army attacked over a 30 km. front with 15 divisions near Hébuterne, south of Gommecourt, near Serre, Beaumont Hamel, Thiepval, Ovillers, La Boiselle, Fricourt, Mametz, and Montauban in the south east.
In the morning 60,000 British men went over the top, in the afternoon again another 40,000 men.

The French 20th Army Corps with its 39th Division, interconnected with the British, north of the river Somme, was successful in reaching Curlu.
South of the Somme General Fayolle’s 6th Army, reinforced with the 35th Division and the 1st Colonial Army Corps, reached all it’s goals for the first day by conquering the villages of Dompierre and Fay.

On this spot, near the Obelisque for the 18th Division,  used to be the tip of the Leipzig Salient.

The 18th Division succeeded to capture Thiepval and its surroundings, 3 months later, on 30 September 1916.

The Leipzig Salient

To give you an idea of the Leipzig Salient, which these observers saw in 1916, two British army panorama pictures of the maze of trenches, barbed wire, dugouts, bunkers, and machine gun posts. 

These pictures (resp. left and right) had been made from la Boisselle northward to Thiepval.

The Dorsets Memorial 

In 2011 we went southward, in birdsflight some 1.500 m away from the Leipzig Salient and the Thiepval Memorial, to visit the new memorial near Authuille and Thiepval, inaugurated at 7 May 2011, dedicated to the Dorsetshire Regiment.

In front of the footpath to Lonsdale Cemetery, opposite the Thiepval Memorial, ...

... the Dorsets Memorial is standing on the jump-off lines of the Dorsets.

On 1 July 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme, the 32nd Division, which included the 1st Dorsets and the 11th Lonsdale Battalion of the Border Regt. attacked the German line at this point and stormed the Leipzig Salient, but were compelled to retire later in the day.

The four sides of the obelisque showing all Great War Battles, in which the Dorsets participated.

View northward into the direction of the Leipzig Salient.

We return to the eastern outskirts of the village of Thiepval to Mouquet Farm.

View from the Thiepval Memorial to the east in the direction of Mouquet Farm.

Australian Memorial before Mouquet Farm along the D 73

The shattered farmhouse was located to the left of the farm road on the crest. View north-eastward from the road from Thiepval to Pozières, the D 73.

Wartime Mouquet Farm
The wartime Mouquet Farm was located at the northern side of the track to the farm.

Mouquet Farm was a central bastion in the second line of the German defense system, during the Battle of the Somme from July to October 1916.  

It’s deep cellars and tunnels were connected to 

a complex network of German trenches in the fields.

On 5 August 1916 the Australians were first to attack this stronghold, having just incurred a devastating loss of 17,000 men in the capture of Pozières, only 1 km. away.
After a month and 6,500 casualties, the Australians were relieved by the Canadians.
On 27 September, Mouquet Farm fell to the British.

Under the trees right there is still a huge mine crater, the field left is covered with shell holes. 

This farmer does not even allow to let his sheep enter this shell hole covered field!

View from Mouquet Farm Road to the Thiepval Memorial, and right to the tower of the church.

We go back to what happened at the first day of the battle, ...
... the 1st. of July, at the nearby Thiepval Wood.

Continue to the next chapter: "Thiepval Wood - Ulster Tower"

by Pierre Grande Guerre 29 November 2019
by Pierre Grande Guerre 14 November 2019

Inleiding: Franz Von Papen & Werner Horn; schaker en pion

Onlangs stuitte ik in een oud boek (1) van 1919 op een opmerkelijk verhaal over een Duitse Luitenant, die in begin februari 1915 een half geslaagde bomaanslag pleegt op een spoorbrug over een grensrivier tussen de Verenigde Staten en Canada. Ook al staat de bekentenis van de dader, Werner Horn, deels in het boek te lezen, de naam van zijn opdrachtgever zal Horn blijven verzwijgen. Na wat verder zoeken vond ik ook de naam van Horn’s opdrachtgever, Franz von Papen, een van de aangeklaagden van het latere Neurenberg Proces in 1946.

In een Grote Oorlog als de Eerste Wereldoorlog  is Horn’s aanslag op de brug uiteraard slechts een bescheiden wapenfeit. Toch vermoed ik dat dit relatief onbekende verhaal, dat de geschiedenis is ingegaan als de “ Vanceboro International Bridge Bombing ”, nog interessante kanten kent. Het is onder andere een spionageverhaal over hoe in een groter plan een sluwe schaker zijn naïeve pion offert.  

Beknopte situatieschets Canada en de Verenigde Staten in 1915

by Pierre Grande Guerre 1 October 2019

This trip we start at the Léomont near Vitrimont and we will with some exceptions concentrate on the Battle of Lorraine of August-September 1914 in the area, called, the “Trouée de Charmes”, the Gap of Charmes.

After the Léomont battlefield we continue our explorations to Friscati hill and its Nécropole Nationale. Next we pay a visit to the battlefield of la Tombe to go on to the Château de Lunéville. There we cross the Vezouze to move on southward to the Bayon Nécropole Nationale. At Bayon we cross the Moselle to pass Charmes for the panorama over the battlefield from the Haut du Mont. North-west of Charmes we will visit the British Military Cemetery containing 1918 war victims. From Charmes we go northward to the battlefield of the First French Victory of the Great War, the Battle of Rozelieures of 25 August 1914. North of Rozelieures we will visit the village of Gerbéviller. From there we make a jump northward to visit the ruins of Fort de Manonviller to finish with an interesting French Dressing Station bunker, west of Domjevin.

by Pierre Grande Guerre 18 September 2019
Though we depart from Badonviller in the Northern Vosges , we make a jump northward to the east of Lunéville and Manonviller. We start at Avricourt on the border of Alsace and Lorraine. From the Avricourt Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof we explore the southern Lorraine battlefields ; the mine craters of Leintrey , the Franco- German war cemetery and Côte 303 at Reillon , and some German bunkers near Gondrexon , Montreux , and Parux.
by Pierre Grande Guerre 13 September 2019
We depart from Raon-l’Etape to drive northward via Badonviller to Montreux to visit the  "Circuit du Front Allemand 14-18", the  Montreux German Front Walk 14-18,  with its trenches , breastworks , and at least twenty bunkers.
by Pierre Grande Guerre 8 September 2019
North-east of Nancy, east of Pont-à-Mousson, and south-east of Metz we visit the battlefields of the Battle of Morhange of 14 until 20 August 1914. We follow mainly topographically the route of the French advance eastward over the Franco-German border of 1871-1918.
During this visit, we try to focus on the day that the momentum of the battle switched from the French side to the advantage of the Bavarian side: the day of 20 August 1914, when the Bavarians rapidly re-conquered the territory around Morhange , being also the day of the start of their rather successful “Schlacht in Lothringen”.
We will visit beautiful landscapes of the "Parc Naturel Régional de Lorraine", memorials, ossuaries, and cemeteries. Sometimes we will divert to other periods of the Great War, honouring Russian and Romanian soldiers, who died in this sector. We start our route at the border village of Manhoué, and via Frémery, Oron, Chicourt, Morhange, Riche, Conthil, Lidrezing, Dieuze, Vergaville, Bidestroff, Cutting, Bisping we will finish in Nomeny and Mailly-sur-Seille, where the Germans halted their advance on 20 August 1914, and where they constructed from 1915 some interesting bunkers.
by Pierre Grande Guerre 5 September 2019
South of Manhoué we start this trip at Lanfroicourt along the French side of the Franco-German 1871-1918 border, marked by the meandering Seille river. We visit some French bunkers  in Lanfroicourt, near Array-et-Han and in Moivrons. From there we go northward to the outskirts of Nomeny and the hamlet of Brionne to visit the ( second ) memorial, commemorating the events in Nomeny of 20 August 1914. We continue westward to finish at the Monument du Grand Couronné at the Côte de Géneviève, a former French artillery base, which offers several panoramic views over the battlefield.
by Pierre Grande Guerre 28 August 2019
North of Pont-à-Mousson and south of Metz, we explore the relics of German bunkers and fortifications along the Franco-German 1871-1918 border. We start at Bouxières-sous-Froidmont to visit the nearby height of the Froidmont on the front line. This time we will show only a part of the Froidmont, focusing on its military significance.  From the Froidmont we continue via Longeville-lès-Cheminot and Sillegny to the “Forêt Domaniale de Sillegny” to explore some artillery ammunition bunkers. Next we continue to Marieulles for its three interesting bunkers and to Vezon for its line of ammunition depot bunkers. From Vezon we continue to the “Deutscher Kriegsgräberstätte Fey – Buch”. From Fey we go eastward, passing 6 bunkers near Coin-lès-Cuvry to finish our trip at the top construction of the “Feste Wagner” or “Fort Verny”, north of Verny.
by Pierre Grande Guerre 25 August 2019

From Badonviller or the Col du Donon we continue north-eastward for a visit to an extraordinarily well restored sample of German fortifications:  the Feste Kaiser Wilhelm II, or Fort de Mutzig,  lying on a height, some 8 km. away from the 1871-1918 Franco-German Border.

by Pierre Grande Guerre 23 August 2019
We concentrate on the German side of the front around "Markirch", Sainte Marie-aux-Mines, the so-called "Leber" front sector . We first pay a visit to the Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof, and next to the southern side of the Col de Ste. Marie for the many interesting bunkers of the German positions at the Bernhardstein, at the north-eastern slopes of the Tête du Violu. On the next photo page about the Haut de Faîte we will continue with a visit to the northern side of the pass and the "Leber" sector.
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